Surrogacy For Gay Parents: What You Need To Do

Having a child is an absolute miracle. Those who have done it, who have gone through the challenges and pitfalls, may even appreciate the moment of having a child if it can and should be measured, of course. In short, according to statistics, people who have used surrogacy services (primarily same-sex marriages) provide the best level of provision and care among all others. Children born to heterosexual couples. This in no way discriminates against other parents but confirms that true love and desire cannot be held back. And as a result, it is possible to overcome any obstacles.
So, what kind of obstacles do representatives of the LGBT community expect? Surrogacy For Gay Parents is a multi-layered process that requires professionalism and experience in its implementation. And many related auxiliary nuances may need to be noticed at first glance. We need to figure it out:
Citizenship aspects
For example, in the United States, a law states that a child born to a U.S. citizen, regardless of where they were born, is officially considered a U.S. citizen. However, the situation with surrogacy is more complex. For example, the U.S. State Department has begun to interpret the law so that both parents must be biologically related to the child. Therefore, there were situations when a U.S. citizen became the father of a child born with the help of a surrogate mother from another country but could not obtain her citizenship.
The apogee of this situation occurred when one same-sex couple became the parents of twins. Both men were sperm donors. Accordingly, each father was biologically related to only one of the children. The first man had U.S. citizenship, and the other did not. Therefore, one child received U.S. citizenship, and the other did not.
It is also worth noting that these rules differ significantly from country to country. Moreover, in the United States, for example, the situation varies dramatically from state to state. That is why it is necessary to seek professional assistance from a surrogacy agency.
Custody and paternity aspects: whose name will be written on the certificate?
This is even more complicated. Different countries have different rules according to their legislation. The surrogate mother’s name is written on the birth certificate in many places. And then, the parents have to adopt their child. In some countries, this process is more manageable. Nevertheless, even there, there are pitfalls to be wary of.
Even though the process of surrogacy is described in the Bible (in its then-current form, of course), even now, in the 21st century, there are many problems with legalizing this process. We have discussed only a few in this article, but there are many more. Among other things, we can single out the following points:
- Legal aspects
- Organizational aspects
- Transportation aspects
- Medical aspects
- and many others that you will have to face.
Therefore, the advice of all the leading experts in the field of surrogacy is to cooperate with a surrogacy agency, which will save you the trouble of managing all the processes yourself. Have a happy surrogacy journey, and make your most cherished dream come true!