How To Cope With The Various Stages Of Parenthood

Being a parent comes with so many amazing experiences from connecting with your child to learning more about yourself. However, it also comes with many challenges or situations that you have never encountered before. Sometimes, you need a helping hand or some advice to help you get through the different stages of being a parent and what to prepare yourself for. As your child grows, you will also have to manage their different stages of growth and puberty. Sometimes, it puts a toll on your mental health and other times it is extremely gratifying to be a part of. With that said, we’re here to give you some advice for each stage of parenthood.
When your baby is born and even before it is born, you spend a lot of time preparing for its arrival. Whether you are a momma who had to endure 9 months of pregnancy or a father who is looking forward to bonding with your new baby–you are excited as much as you are anxious. When your baby is still little, this is the time you form a bond with them by holding them, taking care of them, and feeding them. There is an attachment that forms between a parent and their baby. As you face this sense of attachment, questions arise like what your priorities must be and how much time you should give the baby. When you are in this stage, we recommend being kind to yourself and giving yourself enough time to adjust to a recent change in your life. If questions arise and you don’t know what to do–sit, relax and do your research. Your pediatrician along with friends and family will be there for you when you need help. Don’t be afraid to take a self-care day as you may be tired and stressed out with how much you need to take on now.
Once your child turns two until about the time they are five, you will have to develop rules and a parenting style that works for you. Your child may begin to act out or throw tantrums if they don’t get their way. This is when you need to be stern and decide how rules are set and what will happen when they are broken. As a parent, you should understand that you need to also step into an authority role. Your child will be grateful later in their life when you didn’t let them do whatever they wanted all the time. Problems in the parent/child relationship are inevitable, so the question posed is how to resolve them when they occur.
As your child matures and enters elementary school, you must realize that you are not the only influence on them. They begin to develop a personality and make decisions on their own. Parents are in the interpretive stage because they are deciding how they want to interpret their child’s information and their self-concepts. Common questions come up such as what kind of knowledge do I want to promote? What values are important to me and my child? What skills do they need to learn? You understand that you and your child have separate identities but are still connected in a strong way. It’s a balancing act as they grow while you also do as a parent!
As your child hits puberty and their teenage years, there are bound to be drastic changes that occur. Maybe they can’t let go of the idea to dye their hair pink or they are hanging around friends you don’t like. This may pose some challenges and additional arguments compared to before. The important part is to have patience as they are trying to find themselves. It is crucial to have good communication while also setting your boundaries and limits. You must be aware and try to decipher how much guidance your teen needs. Overall, the goal is to grant them their own identity and independence, but still making them understand they need to follow your rules.
Whether your kid is leaving for college or moving out, they are no longer under your control or our constant authority. This can be an especially challenging stage for you as a parent because you have to let go and allow your child to take what they learned and create their own life. For moms, you may also go through menopause, which will lead to hormonal changes. Menopause supplements are a great option to help you cope with all the side effects of menopause. As your child creates their own life, remember that you raised them to be independent and strong. Remain available for them and help them understand you will always be there for them.